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Happy pregnant, individual. Happy pregnant, mama.
Supporting Individuals and Families through
Pregnancy, Birth & Postpartum

What is a Doula?

dou·la: (doÍžolÉ™/) noun
a person who is trained to assist another birthing individual during childbirth and who may provide support to the family after the baby is born.


My definition: I help encourage confidence, foster; safety, comfort, , emotional, physical and sometimes spiritual (when asked) support to; prenatal, birthing and postpartum individuals and families.

I bring peace, love and safety to your space as you move through your experience.

I remind you, of your confidence and power within you and your partner by providing you two with, evidence fact-based knowledge, to help make your journey easier.   


I believe all birthing persons are incredible, ethereal and courageous. Even when it gets uncomfortable and things don't go according to plan, I am right by your side reminding you that "you've got this, beautiful, you are fierce, powerful, capable and you've got this".

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